
2009年, 我們做了些甚麼(2)

4 則留言:

  1. 匿名2/02/2010

    As the saying goes, no news is a good news. But no comments in this column is, to me, definitely synonymous with great surprise, frustration and unbelievable. Dear friends, where is our Klang chatterbox, Mr Wang Shao Xin who used o chatter, babble? Where have Mr. Lin Pei He, Loong Seng, Liang De Ru been, who are noted for their opinionated articles in this blog all this while? Are they not accountable for the absence of comments in this column? The answer is affirmative, I'm afraid.
    Now , may I offer my own comments? First and foremost, no one can deny that the musical sketch "Shanghai Paramount Night Club Opening Ceremony" has gone down in the history of the Sel-KL Oldies Association as such a show was the first of its kind in the congregation to mark the death anniversary of Zhou Xuan. The show was undeniably successful. Is this not something worth shouting about? Again,there was the production of DVD, fully capturing the entire process of the two-day extravaganza in Port Dickson. This , I was told, was also unprecedented. The success of this congregation is held as a role model for the future congregations in other States' Oldies Associations. Bravo to Mr. Ln Pei He ad his group of unsung heroes and our President Chen
    Way Chau. Tell me, is this not something worth write home about.
    Regarding the performance of the musical sketch, everybody had put his/her best foot forward to ensure success. They had done it very well, perhaps except me - the only thorn among the roses --- simply because that was my first debut
    on performing stage.

    Comments b Cai Zai An

  2. 再安兄,
    網上朋友願不願意留言, 平常心看待就是了. 將此剪輯片段貼出, 用意其實是總結我們聯誼會過去一年來的活動回顧.
    波德申廿週年全國舊曲聚會, 畢竟是難得的年度盛事, 雪隆聯誼會不愧人才濟濟, 只是沒有人將他們的唱作天份和才華溶匯整合 , 譬如顏海龍, 我一直認為他在舞台上可以是個巨人, 那份別具一格天生的喜感和觀眾緣, 亦構成他的舞台魅力,而您老兄扮演的蔡老闆, 外型和表現, 出奇的稱職, 吉隆坡一位著名電視節目製作人, 看過DVD後, 對您老兄大為激賞, 或許他日找您作廣告代言人也說不定, 哈哈!!
    百樂門夜總會 show, 僅排練三兩次, 在如此即興如此倉促的情況下匆匆登場, 難得的是, 表演者個個賣力異常, 展現出高度專業精神, 他們花錢自置服裝, 舞台上載歌載舞精彩互動, 陳彩霞(白虹), 麥楓(張露), 彭鈺茵(姚莉), 彭湄茵(周璇), 蕭運英(李香蘭), 周少瑜(白光), 交出了非同凡響的亮眼成績.
    節目尾聲前的全場大合唱, 歌女之歌,桃李春風及合家歡, 原本從頭到尾靜靜坐著的安娣安哥, 這時個個都忍不住站起來舞動身體, 樂不可支, 仿佛回復一個小孩子的天真和快樂, 我真的被眼前那一幕情景深為感動.
    而這一幕, 其實才是我最想看到的.
    這個節目, 如果能令台上那些花枝招展的表演者找到他們遙不可及的舞台夢想, 同時也讓全場三百名觀眾度過一個非常快樂的晚上, 也就印證了它的價值和意義. 至於有沒有人留言, 有多少個人留言, 比較起來,也不是那麼樣重要, 不是嗎?

  3. 匿名2/06/2010


  4. 匿名2/07/2010

    Dear Shao Xin,
    Thanks for your flattering comments. I really feel swollen-headed myself. Are you also interested in the hand-out of tens of thousands Indonesian currency as a reward? Then please come and join my Shanghai Paramount Night Club as a singer and dish out your favourite numbers "Mambo Lui Lang" " Wo ai chacha" and "Hui lai liao". Ha ha. By so doing, you sure will get from me more than what you bargain for --- I promise you.

    message from Cai Zai An
