Congratulations to Selangor-KL Oldies Enthusiasts Club for the resounding success in celebrating its 20th anniversdary in Port Dickson on September 20 & 21. The celebration coincided with the 50th death anniversary of the late celebrity Zhou Xuan. The two-day extravaganza was just remarkable and memorable, to say the least. Bravo to Mr. Lin Pei He and his group of helpers who meticulously planned and diligently worked out to make the annual project an overwhelming success. Besides this, they also produced a special publication "Old Popular Hit Parade" thus adding extra lustre to the occasion. Organizers said this year saw a record number of attendance by club members and new comers. By Sept. 20, the exotic seaside resort "Le Paris" declared full occupancy of its 300-odd rooms and suites ---- thanks to the large influx of customers, predominantly oldies lovers and their peers from all over the country and Singapore. (including my friends Mr. Li Rong De, Mr. He Ya Kun and Mr.Aw Yang Long Guo, of course). In the course of celebrations, there were karaoke sessions (simultaneously held in two sizeable assembly halls in the hotel)to satisfy the large contingent of oldies lovers who are obsessed with karaoke singing. However, the organizers had made sure such sessions would not dominate the congregation. Apart from karaoke, there were also other highlights like the public viewing of old movies and song riddle contest etc. On the final night, the programmes culminated in a Broadway-style musical sketch, portraying a scene from the official opening ceremony of the Paramount Night Club in Shanghai in the late 40s. The opening ceremony was graced by a bevy of Shanghai celebrities and artistes who took turn to dish out popular songs of the bygone era. Clad in Chinese cheongsam and conspicuous in their authentic period hair-do, they sauntered elegantly on stage awaiting their turn to sing and croon. They parodied Zhou Xuan, Bai Hong, Li Xiang Lan, Yao Li, Bai Guang and Wi Ying Yin. In their midst was the lone-ranger, renowned comedian Han Lan Gen. The repertoire presented by the celebrities and Han, fully captured the fascination of all and sundry. Or course, Zhou Xuan was specially led to bask in the limelight, simply because Zhou was supposed to be the prima donna of the night.
I was tasked to play the role of the Paramount Night Club boss who was a typical modern-day Scrooge. Unwittingly, the beauties and I embroiled in a heated argument over the demand of exorbitant wages. The farce of the group successfully kept the audience in stitches. Well, that was my debut on stage. Frankly speaking, over the past weeks prior to the performance, the spectre of fiasco as an actor had been getting on my nerves. I was worried and doubtful about my competency. Hence, when the show was over that night, I breathed a sigh of relief and almost immediately set out to get feedback from friends and club members about my so-called performance. Guess what. Fortunately, almost everyoone I encountered put a pat on my back. Well, for me, this was a thorough ego massage. Hallelujah ! ! Now back to Mr. Lin Pei He. I think I really owe him a big bouquet of carnations. It was he who assigned, persuaded, cajoled and at times coerced me to take up the role of the night club proprietor. His insistence paid off at last. Judging from the swashbucking success of the show and the good trip to and from Port Dickson, I would say that Pei He definiteloy deserves more than just a footnote in the Annals of the Selangor-KL Oldies Enthusiasts Club. In view of his versatile talents, journalistic instinct, no-nonsense perseverance and excellent public relations, Pei He is a veritable asset to the Oldies Clubs, irrespective of whichever States or regions they belong. Once again, Bravo to Mr. Lin Pei He. Finally, before I end this message, my sincere blessings to our Malacca counterpart who have gallantly picked up the gauntlet to host the 21st annual congregation next year. Till then, best of luck to everyone who reads this message. Come September next, see you in Malacca.
预祝 波德申2009全国老歌友大聚会顺利举行。我在这里代飞莺姐姐送你们一块糖,祝福300多名歌友共渡3天两夜懒洋洋的好时光。
回覆刪除Congratulations to Selangor-KL Oldies Enthusiasts Club for the resounding success in celebrating its 20th anniversdary in Port Dickson on September 20 & 21. The celebration coincided with the 50th death anniversary of the late celebrity Zhou Xuan. The two-day extravaganza was just remarkable and memorable, to say the least. Bravo to Mr. Lin Pei He and his group of helpers who meticulously planned and diligently worked out to make the annual project an overwhelming success.
回覆刪除Besides this, they also produced a special publication "Old Popular Hit Parade" thus adding extra lustre to the occasion. Organizers said this year saw a record number of attendance by club members and new comers. By Sept. 20, the exotic seaside resort "Le Paris" declared full occupancy of its 300-odd rooms and suites ---- thanks to the large influx of customers, predominantly oldies lovers and their peers from all over the country and Singapore. (including my friends Mr. Li Rong De, Mr. He Ya Kun and Mr.Aw Yang Long Guo, of course).
In the course of celebrations, there were karaoke sessions (simultaneously held in two sizeable assembly halls in the hotel)to satisfy the large contingent of oldies lovers who are obsessed with karaoke singing. However, the organizers had made sure such sessions would not dominate the congregation.
Apart from karaoke, there were also other highlights like the public viewing of old movies and song riddle contest etc.
On the final night, the programmes culminated in a Broadway-style musical sketch, portraying a scene from the official opening ceremony of the Paramount Night Club in Shanghai in the late 40s. The opening ceremony was graced by a bevy of Shanghai celebrities and artistes who took turn to dish out popular songs of the bygone era. Clad in Chinese cheongsam and conspicuous in their authentic period hair-do, they sauntered elegantly on stage awaiting their turn to sing and croon. They parodied Zhou Xuan, Bai Hong, Li Xiang Lan, Yao Li, Bai Guang and Wi Ying Yin. In their midst was the lone-ranger, renowned comedian Han Lan Gen. The repertoire presented by the celebrities and Han, fully captured the fascination of all and sundry. Or course, Zhou Xuan was specially led to bask in the limelight, simply because Zhou was supposed to be the prima donna of the night.
I was tasked to play the role of the Paramount Night Club boss who was a typical modern-day Scrooge. Unwittingly, the beauties and I embroiled in a heated argument over the demand of exorbitant wages. The farce of the group successfully kept the audience in stitches.
回覆刪除Well, that was my debut on stage. Frankly speaking, over the past weeks prior to the performance, the spectre of fiasco as an actor had been getting on my nerves. I was worried and doubtful about my competency. Hence, when the show was over that night, I breathed a sigh of relief and almost immediately set out to get feedback from friends and club members about my so-called performance. Guess what. Fortunately, almost everyoone I encountered put a pat on my back. Well, for me, this was a thorough ego massage. Hallelujah ! !
Now back to Mr. Lin Pei He. I think I really owe him a big bouquet of carnations. It was he who assigned, persuaded, cajoled and at times coerced me to take up the role of the night club proprietor. His insistence paid off at last. Judging from the swashbucking success of the show and the good trip to and from Port Dickson, I would say that Pei He definiteloy deserves more than just a footnote in the Annals of the Selangor-KL Oldies Enthusiasts Club. In view of his versatile talents, journalistic instinct, no-nonsense perseverance and excellent public relations, Pei He is a veritable asset to the Oldies Clubs, irrespective of whichever States or regions they belong. Once again, Bravo to Mr. Lin Pei He.
Finally, before I end this message, my sincere blessings to our Malacca counterpart who have gallantly picked up the gauntlet to host the 21st annual congregation next year.
Till then, best of luck to everyone who reads this message.
Come September next, see you in Malacca.
From Cai ZaiAn,
Kuala Lumpur.
这次盛会连续两晚的节目魅力大展成果,深深征摄了每一个人,令全场每个朋友大开眼界讚不绝口,是集体齐心协力收穫, 也是雪隆联谊会的骄傲.节目像流星般划过夜空, 非同一般灿烂,光辉四射 留下有口皆碑的五星级评价.
回覆刪除一花独放不是春,百川汇集方成河, 希望雪隆旧曲联谊会的兄弟姐妹永远肝胆相照显胸怀, 扬帆远航在旧曲汪洋, 手拉手继续朝向旧曲标竿弘扬, ok?
四十年代的百乐门夜总会show ,造就了六大天皇巨星, 个个唱功了得,花枝招展颠倒众生, 可惜忘了向她们索取签名照片. 聴到最新消息--- 聴说她们最近唱约不断, 有娱乐公司主动接洽她们谈合作, 真是恭喜恭喜!! 韩兰根不是俊男我不要, 要的是蔡老板花花绿绿的钞票, 白姐扭扭捏捏一摇三摆, 羽毛满地飞,踩着四吋高跟鞋, 担心她一不小心摔跤, 健硕乔宏东风无力如何是好, 还是短小精悍的颜海龙来把妖姬抱....
購買特刊, 可致電012-2232371聯絡會長陳煒超先生.